Excessive food consumption is one of the major issues that causes food waste on RMUTL campuses. In the long run, a lack of effective food waste management could lead to a shortage of food consumption. RMUTL has acknowledged this issue and realized the urgent need to take the initial steps to prevent this foreseen future in many ways such as having a policy to “Stop Food Waste”. This attempts to encourage RMUTL staff and students to be aware of food value and issues involved in food insecurity. In addition to the implementation of the “Stop Food Waste” Policy, RMUTL has also financially invested in putting up waste bins across campuses for the separation of waste into general, recycled, hazardous, and composed waste categories to build awareness of staff and students regarding the urgent need of effective waste management.
Furthermore, canteen staff and shopkeepers across campuses are required to report the amount of waste generated per day. The waste report is then taken for calculation. This policy is promoted to help minimize the amount of waste produced from university food consumption.