Research on the creative design of Tung Yai lamp products Yong identity art. The objective is to study identity. Wisdom about making Tung Yai people of the Yong Lanna people and designed it as a lamp. The researcher created a questionnaire. to the problem of the original product. and demand for new products with the sample including Ban Pa Tan community Most of them have a demand for indoor lighting products. That can convey the original identity through new products Adding Value and Creating Remembrance. The sample group considered choosing the model. in geometry and using a rope tied technique when viewed from the south, it is shaped like a spider web. which is the inspiration for the design to produce a prototype and arrange production training for the samples. as well as assessing satisfaction with customer groups in the factors affecting the purchase decision, the issue of shape and utility. Design, the researcher takes into account the material. and production process Assembling the structure is important. Coloring the ropes into a contemporary graphic style. The unique identity of the lamp was born. To upgrade the quality of products in the area to create sustainable income for the community
See page number: 298-308