Inhaler product “PhuMhan YhaMhan” of T.Rungruang limited partnership Nan concern with industrial and food product of Nan province. To bring Identity in local which cultural heritage that has used as Culture capital to create unique identity consistent with mural paintings at Phumin temple or “Hoop Tham” Murals that stand out in Nan is “the world Whisper love” picture or “PhuMhan YhaMhan” picture applied form of inhaler product. The objectives to creative concept focus on using innovation to create identity from cultural capital of Nan. 1. General knowledge bringing cultural capital of Nan, to create herbal inhaler identity cultural capital consists 3 methods: (1) dress patterns (2) traditions (3) local arts. 2.Product design for using cultural capital to create herbal inhalers Use 4-steps, (1) Popularity (2) Shape (3) Functionality (4) Create technique. 3. Inhaler product design, 1set (2 inhalers), consisted liquid inhalers contain essential oils in a rotating tube. 1st tube is male called “PhuMhan” 2ndfemale called “YhaMhan”. Both tubes are called “PhuMhan YhaMhan” herbal inhalers. It can used to develop agricultural and food processing industry to connect the Create market and added value based on local ID.
Keywords: creative, product development, herbal inhaler, “PhuMhan YhaMhan”
See the page number 350-362