This research aims to 1) To study the behavior of using a leisure chair suitable for the elderly 2) To designanddevelopamodelofarestchairfortheelderly Researchtoolsinclude1)Draftevaluationform 2) Prototype product evaluation form Average data analysis was used. and standard deviation. The results of the research can be summarized as follows 1) The results of the evaluation of the draft resting chair for the elderly It was found that the satisfaction of professionals in product design and furniture design towards the draft of a leisure chair for the elderly The overall average satisfaction was at a good level. ( ̅ = 4.2 0) Classified by item, all items were satisfied at a good level 2) The results of the evaluation of prototype products found that Overall average, satisfied in good level ( ̅ = 4.41) Classified by item, satisfaction level was at very good level in all items. Suggestions from this creative research have problems with large shapes and heavy weight. It is not easy to get up and sit down for the elderly. Because the chair cannot be heightened according to the body of the elderly In terms of functionality, there should be accessories for placing or reading.
Keyword: Design and Development, Leisure Chairs, The Elderly
See page number: 338-349